Laura Perovich

Fiber Art

My textile practice acts as a space for me to stay engaged with creativity outside of my core research areas. I have designed and made many wall hangings, quilts, and pieces of clothing.

Recently, my work has explore the integration of "low-tech" and "high-tech" approaches to craft, incorporating hand painted, printed, or dyed fabrics; beading, embroidery, and knotting; and computationally designed and machine cut pieces. I also work with natural materials to create inks, stamps, or rust prints to explore how the materiality of the city might also act as a visualization of the space.

Similarly, my Information Design course invites students to explore textiles as a medium for data representation. I plan to expand this research area to investigate how textiles might center touch-based experiences of data and provide important opportunity for reflection through the embodied labor inherent to the fabrication process.